May Crossword

Slightly belatedly, here’s May’s crossword.
I’d like to say that we left this one unpublished until now so that you could enjoy it with a glass of Cape red in front of a roaring fire, while the rain lashes down outside, but actually, there was just a bit of an oversight and it just didn’t get uploaded on time.



Still, I suppose that if I don’t tell you that, you’ll never know.

21 across tho

Was too knackered to upload this last night.
Bed by 9:30 – up and at them again early this morning.
Sorry for the wait.

It’s 2019, and the monthly mental test of the 6000 miles…  crosswords just keep on coming. And sWORDdevlin is especially proud of this one:

And yes, 21 across is very clever. See for yourself:



I found this one noticeably easier than previous episodes. I actually liked 7 across, but there’s Norway that you’ll get it.