Ex-pat voting – tying up loose ends

Just seen this on twitter (via @SAelections from The Times):

The DA has won the overseas vote by 7581, COPE got 918, ANC only got 673 out of the 9857 that were cast in total.

That only leaves a maximum of 622 for the VF+. They must be pretty annoyed after all the effort they went to.
It does mean that the DA secured 77% of the expat vote and can now change the Constitution of Putney and Wimbledon. Or something.

Anyway, now the DA can add those 7,581 votes to the approximately 1,200,000 they had about an hour ago.
“Drop in the ocean” or “Viva Democracy, Viva!!”? Or perhaps a bit of both?

Incidentally, I make that a 60.5% turnout overseas in comparison with 77% here in SA, which I find strange after all the court cases, acrimony and the effort that people had to make to register.
Rather apathetic. Which is only one more letter than this whole ex-pat voting saga has been from the start.

EDIT: Here’s a snap of the IEC’s overseas election results board. VF+ only polled 270 votes. Oops!


Vote For Me!

Welcome to visitors from the 2008 SA Blog Awards site.
If you like what you see (and why wouldn’t you?) then it’s in everyone’s interests that you subscribe to the 6000 miles… RSS feed here.

Yes folks, in a show of democracy which would make Vladimir Putin blush and Robert Mugabe quake in his Z$116 billion boots, voting is underway in the 2008 SA Blog Awards.
It’s like Barack versus Hillary, but without the racial tension. Which is a first for SA.

Thanks to your nominations, 6000 miles… has been shortlisted in four categories:

  • South African Weblog of the Year
  • Best Post on a South African Blog (for the Big South African Crime Post)
  • Best Original Writing on a South African Blog
  • Best South African Personal Blog

Vote for this Blog

The organisers (whom I think are great, by the way) have provided the shortlistees with suitably ostentatious images like the one above to promote our blogs during the voting process.
All you have to do to vote for your favourite blog (er… this one) is to click the image above, scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your email address and the anti-spam code.

The organisers will then send you an email with a link to confirm your vote.

One vote per email address.

It couldn’t be simpler – unless I did it for you. In itself, that isn’t a bad idea but would surely flout the contest rules and the general sporting behaviour for which I am famed when not on a football pitch.

 AHEM! You appear to still be here. Shouldn’t you be elsewhere voting by now?