Remember the video test post? Really? Well, it was right here just a few days ago. You might want to see a doctor about that memory of yours. Maybe write that down, hey?
The video test post showed that my existing way of putting videos on the blog was no longer working. I had already found an alternative method, though, so all was not lost. Hope for the future.
But that didn’t help much with the issue that every Youtube video I’d ever put on 6000 miles… was broken. That’s quite a lot of videos.
Then, a WordPress update (to 4.6) and (not) suddenly, everything was back to normal. All the links were mended, all the videos work again. This calls for a celebration – a video celebration. I found this one, just waiting to be posted:
I’ve used to old method to put this on here. I guess I’m now at a bit of crossroads as to where to go now with regards to posting videos. The old method (it’s called “EasyTube”, for the purists) has worked really well for years, aside from the last week or so, but is less futureproofed than the native WordPress method. The native WordPress method, however, is less flexible regarding size and positioning of the video.
So, swings, and indeed, roundabouts.
P.S. I am no longer Grolsch bottles.