Vodacom Tablet Repair Update

I’m already missing my tablet. The words of Professor Phillip Collins spring immediately to mind:

We had a life, we had a love,
But you don’t know what you’ve got ’til you lose it.

Life and love aside, my “lost” tablet has indeed led to the sudden epiphany that I didn’t know what I had, (’til I lost it).

It is imperative (for my productivity (and possibly my sanity)) that I get my tablet back as soon as possible. So, having said that I would keep you updated on the progress of the tablet repair, please find here the first delivery on that promise.

I handed my tablet in for repair at Vodacom yesterday.
They said that they were going to send it away for repair and that they’d keep me informed by SMS.
I got an SMS as I left the shop, telling me that I’d handed in my tablet for repair and that they’d keep me informed by SMS.
I got a phone call this morning telling me that they were going to send it away for repair and that they would keep me informed. By SMS.
I got an SMS this morning telling me that they were going to send it away for repair. It also noted that they would keep me informed.
The medium through which this information would be relayed would be SMS.

Apparently, it’s going for a “higher level repair” at the “Advanced Repair Centre”. I guess that this is the tablet equivalent of major surgery and then ICU. We must just hope that it pulls through and doesn’t develop complications or a superbug or something.

I can’t fault Vodacom’s efforts to keep me informed, though. Previous repairs with the yellow company have left me frustratedly chasing shadows. Vodacom have started well. Now, can they keep it up?

I’ll keep you informed. By SMS.