Bit of a lazy one today, as the Cape Town weather alternates between bright sunshine and torrential showers. After a wild night last night, with winds gusting to near 100kph, I’ve been removing most of the neighbourhood from our pool. And – happily – even after 30mm+ of rain, my waterproofing efforts seem to be working at the moment.
And – notably – there was this:

I’m not quite sure that South Africans will know what to do with no loadshedding. But I doubt that we’ll have very long to think about it before normal service resumes.
EDIT: 18 minutes after I wrote this post:

For me: a nice fast run in the cool, fresh air this morning, and then a variety of different televisual sports: The Derby (won a bit on that), some motorbikes, some rugby, a touch of cricket, and soon, the FA Cup final.
Top off the evening with some La Liga and that potjie:

…and it will have been a lazy, but enjoyable Saturday.