Lazy Saturday

Bit of a lazy one today, as the Cape Town weather alternates between bright sunshine and torrential showers. After a wild night last night, with winds gusting to near 100kph, I’ve been removing most of the neighbourhood from our pool. And – happily – even after 30mm+ of rain, my waterproofing efforts seem to be working at the moment.

And – notably – there was this:

I’m not quite sure that South Africans will know what to do with no loadshedding. But I doubt that we’ll have very long to think about it before normal service resumes.

EDIT: 18 minutes after I wrote this post:

For me: a nice fast run in the cool, fresh air this morning, and then a variety of different televisual sports: The Derby (won a bit on that), some motorbikes, some rugby, a touch of cricket, and soon, the FA Cup final.

Top off the evening with some La Liga and that potjie:

…and it will have been a lazy, but enjoyable Saturday.

Potjie Club

The first rule of Potjie Club is that there are no rules.


Here’s the potjie that I’m currently making. (Yes, it’s posing for the photo, not actually being used yet.)
It’s got beef, chicken, stock, Hendo’s, a splash of brandy, some Milk  Stout, seventeen different sorts of vegetables and eleven types of herbs and spices in it. Ish.
None of these ingredients are measured in any way: there are no rules in Potjie Club. You just chuck in what you want, however much seems right, just like my Great Aunt used to do with her much ridiculed floury fudge.

The product of my creativity this evening is yet to be tested, but my track record and selection of quality ingredients suggest that is going to be fairly awesome. Hashtag HumbleBrag.