I love local political press releases. And this one from the new police minister is particularly good.
Of course, Bheki Cele’s predecessor was hugely active on twitter. Sadly, he was more active in twitter than at doing his actual job. Happily, he’s now not doing his actual job anymore. Lovely.
But will our new minister be busy on the social medias? No chance – if you’ve seen an tweet from him, IT’S FAKE!
The Minister wishes to state categorically clear that any Twitter account or any social media account operating in his name is Fake and that no one is authorized to operate any social media account in his name.
But wait, there’s more:
The mushrooming Twitter handles in the name of the Minister are viewed as sinister and are aimed at dragging the name of Minister Cele in all dirty and tricky mud games in the social media space for reasons best known to the ghost operators.
I actually only go onto Twitter to engage in all dirty and tricky mud games in the social media space. The rest of it is rubbish.
Social media remains a respectable communication platform that should be exempted from any abuse by ghost operators.
Ok. I’m in agreement here. Ghost operators should stick to operating ghosts. That’s definitely what they’re best at. Not abusing respectable communication platforms. No-one needs that. And what happens to all the unoperated ghosts while all this abuse is going on?
A frankly terrible situation.
This is a typically robust, ridiculously nonsensical start from Cele, and I can’t wait for what’s coming next.