Day 110 – Out and about

Right. A shorter, more picturey post today. Not like that behemoth yesterday. So many words.

On Sunday, we headed up to SIlvermine to get some space and winter sunshine ahead of what proved to be quite a fearsome Cape storm.

Vehicular access to the area is still closed, which adds an extra couple of kilometres to your walk, but they were generally nice kilometres and we had some lovely views across the Cape Flats to the snow-capped peaks beyond.

Should have taken my tripod. Didn’t. Oh well. Next time.

Have a look at some photos here.

Still – a great day out and we breathed in all of that fresh air pumped into Cape Town ahead of the cold front.

Day 94 – Wave, daddy!

[Glasto (2) post postponed for the moment, because…]

We went for a drive down the Atlantic Seaboard yesterday. Well… a bit of it, anyway.

Weather like yesterday’s can’t be ignored and we needed the fresh, unsullied air from the ocean.

There was plenty of it to go around, with some frothing chaos on Slangkop beach:

And some grim, stormy seas behind the lighthouse:

It’s always difficult to demonstrate the sheer scale of the seas in photos. So just suffice to say that I was very glad to be on the land and not on the water. Big waves. Big.

The weather was dark, moody and gloomy one minute:

But patchy sunlight scudded across the bay every now and again, giving some occasional delicious light:


You can see all the photos (that I felt were worth sharing) from yesterday here.

And you can come back here for that other Glasto-inspired post tomorrow.

Karoo Roadtrip photos

Finally finished the edit on these and got them up onto Flickr. Yay me.

Matjiesfontein – Sutherland – Rietfontein – Barrydale

Weather was good, family was happy, views were forever, fun was had.

The whole set can be found here. Or why not just slideshow here?

Reviews still to follow, because I know you want to know what I thought, right?

Heritage weekend photos

Belatedly, but still: weekend photos.

Some proteas (not from the weekend, but who’s checking anyway), a specific startrail (despite the brightest moon EVER!), some shipwreck (I didn’t know which one I liked best, so I shared four) and some birdage (taken by my daughter).

Here’s an example:

And here’s the link.

Knock yourselves out. (Not literally.)

First French pics

Did a bit of work last night and I’ve now got some pics onto Flickr.

Here they are. Please do go and have a look.

This is just the first batch, documenting only the first few days of the holiday as well. I do seem to have taken a lot of photos.
Looking back through them now, I couldn’t even remember taking some of them.

The one above though: well, I decided that I couldn’t sleep, jumped off the boat (fortunately on the dry side) went wandering around a deserted village in my nightwear looking for shots.

There’s still another week of France to come before we head over to the UK and the Isle of Man.

And there are still all the images from my phone and my Mavic.

I’m still going to be busy for a while, then.