I’m not going to be writing much here today, especially after the last few days which have seen several thousand of my words spread in pixel form across these pages. I have been busy in the house as part of The Big Clearout ahead of The Move and I have been busy making sure that the garden remains every bit as nice as when the people who are buying our house last saw it.
Add to that a quick walk down to the local shops (because other people around here have to stay in the house and not go out in public for reasons) to find ingredients for christmas treats (currently being manufactured in the kitchen by my daughter).
We also tried to mend the router, which has been on its last legs for a while now. We couldn’t, we gave up and we bought a new one, so you’ll note that it’s been a busy morning.
I have big plans to watch some football and (possibly) have a beer this afternoon.
More tomorrow. There’s always more tomorrow.