PistoriusBalls 3

The fascinating updates keep coming:

And ahead of this next one, a reminder that we’ve had 2 days – two days – of the trial so far, amounting to about 8 hours of courtroom time.


Well done.

Man waves arms:

See? Like I said: whimsical.

PistoriusBalls 2

I’m not saying or promising that this is going to be a daily feature, but the journalists at Oscar Pistorius’ murder trial continue to amaze us with their insight and their desperation to “set the scene”, by tweeting the mundane, the more mundane and the really mundane. (Although, SA is gradually getting the idea that courtroom drama, simply isn’t dramatic.)

It’s not the cough that carries you off; it’s the coffin they carry you off in.

Disclaimer: Looking at her timeline, it could be that Daily Maverick reporter Rebecca Davis has been asked to cover the trial in some sort of whimsical way. So, this could be deliberate.

Meanwhile, is it really even worth actually being there?