Left it too late

A busy day, which has left little or no time for bloggery. And I’m now exhausted and need to make decisions like whether I’m going to go and do a solo “functional” visit to Agulhas tomorrow or the next day.

Because I need to be back in town for Saturday, when I’m lucky enough to have a ticket for the sold out rugby game at the Stadium.

So watch out for the excitement of 1 or 2 days down South, and some (or more) images from the rest of the week generally.

A long one

Careful now.

The day, that is.

With Mrs 6000 waking at 4am for a trip to Johannesbeagle, last night’s slumbers were restless at best. No-one sleeps well when they have to be up that early. And therefore, by extension, no-one who is sleeping next to someone who has to be up that early sleeps well either.

But there was still life to live here and plenty to be done. School happened. Jobs happened. Some jobs took much longer than they should have done, the blame for this being equally shared between them being a little more difficult than was anticipated, and it being “today me” that was doing them.
But then they did get done and everyone got to their extra mural stuff on time, and everyone got picked up from their extra mural stuff on time.

And that even if I popped up to the top floor of the car park near to where the Boy Wonder was coaching the Dodgeball juniors, just because Cape Town looked lovely this evening.

Especially if you overlook the foreground.

Parent Teacher meetings, the bane of any student’s life, were done via the magic of Google Meet, from hotel lobbies and school car parks, and were both good and great.

And we all made it home safely.

There was dinner: basic, but delicious.
There is a rather nice Bordeaux Blend.
There is some UCL football.

But more than any of these things, there is a bed.