Remember that Uranium that was stolen from the nuclear power plant on the Isle of Man*?
Of course you do.
It’s been a mystery as to where it disappeared to, ever since it got taken**.
But inadvertently, a local photographer seems to have found the hiding place, simply by taking a local photograph.
Because surely there can be no reason for this eerie red/orange glow, and fuzzy focusing around this traditional Manx cottage, other than radiation seeping through the thick stone walls.
If you look carefully at the branches in the top right hand corner, you can see that they too have been affected by the alpha particles leaching out from the stolen isotope.
It’s also melted half of one of the chimney pots. Nasty.
And the patch of earth in the foreground with no grass growing? That’s probably where they put it down when they got it out of the Uranium theft vehicle.
I know the location of this particular cottage, and I’ll be passing on that information to the Isle of Man police force, so that they can get the International Atomic Energy Agency involved, sharpish.
After all, the only alternative to this being the actual spot that the pilfered element has been hidden, is the local photographer in question applying a ridiculous number of filters to this image to make it “look better” than it did when it was taken.
And I think we’re all aware which one of these things is more likely to be true.
I think it’s very obvious that a serious crime has been committed here.
* I’ll take Things That Didn’t Happen for 200 please, Alex.
** It hasn’t, because I made the incident up just now.