Seaside Slideshow

I was going to call this “Gorgeous Green Point”, “Marvelous Mouille Point”, “Thrilling Three Anchor Bay” or “Spectacular Sea Point”.
But that’s just because the boundary lines between those suburbs have always seemed a little vague and disputable to me. As it was, these were taken from the Mouille Point lighthouse (in Green Point) on what was a stunningly beautiful, but dangerously windy Sunday afternoon. I had to hold onto Scoop to stop her being blown into the South Atlantic.


More pics here.

The swell wasn’t huge, but the wind was whipping the tops off the waves in the bright sunshine. I haven’t seen wind this strong since the last time the wind was this strong and I can’t remember when that was.


After this (from The Guru), came this (from The Guru):

Except, apparently The Guru can’t read all that good – it actually starts at 2AM CAT on the 28th.

Which now means that I’m not allowed to post tomorrow (this currently being today, the day before tomorrow), but I can now post today and schedule it for 1am CAT tomorrow (tomorrow (the day when the servers are migrating) being the day after today, (when the servers aren’t migrating anymore)).

Got that?
Right. Yes. Me too. *cough*

Better play it safe with a quota slideshow – the upgraded version of a quota photo – detailing some few highlights of our Summer holidays thus far:

With another couple of weeks of staggered leave for myself and Mrs 6000 (read: lack of childcare), there’s sure to be more, so do pop back soon.

And whatever you do, don’t leave a comment because you’ll break teh interwebs. Unless of course you’re one of those daring sorts who laughs in the face of danger, pokes hazard in the tummy and spanks the bottom of risk. In which case, comment away.

Have a wonderful Tuesday. I’ll be back when I have been successfully migrated.

Struisbaai slideshow

We’re back, having set a new record for the Struisbaai – Cape Town run and we’ve ordered pizza.

I would love to wax lyrical some more about the wonder of the Southern Cape, but I am hungry and tired and so I’m going to let the photos speak for me.

It was a great weekend, but I’m going to be happy to be back in my own bed this evening.

You know how it is.