Drone sunset

I’ve sat in my car park many, many times this year. In all sorts of weather (but mainly wet):

And I was there again last night for the team’s final practice session before the World Cup.
Last week when I was up North, I wished that I had brought my drone along. The sunset was incredible, but I was surrounded by ugly buildings and tall trees, which didn’t make for any decent photography.

So this week, rather than miss out again, I did take my drone along. And predictably, the sunset was completely rubbish.


I’d actually packed the drone away and was settling down in the back of the car to watch an episode of Only Connect when I spotted the first tinge of pink in the sky. And while I didn’t think it was going anywhere, I knew I’d be pissed off if it did and I missed it, so I unpacked and set up again and by the time I got flying… well…

First things first: this is a stacked image of 5 bracketed shots, given that the sky was BRIGHT and the mountain was DARK. I’ve already been accused of RBOSSery by someone on the family Whatsapp group (wow – et tu, Brute?), but in fact, it’s actually UN-RBOSSed:

Look at that! And that’s just because there was far too much going on in the sky for the teeny, tiny sensor on my aging drone to handle. So no, definitely no RBOSS or hypocrisy here*.

I think this image would have been better with a bit more Table Bay in the mid-ground, but I was just down the road from Blouberg (aka “Blow”berg), and the South Easter was pumping. I was getting wind warnings even just up at 30m, so I decided not to risk much above 50. A bit irritating, but there are some things that you just can’t control, and hey, I still have a drone this morning, so that’s nice.
Always look for the positives.

Because the World Cup is coming up, I’m not going to be in my car park for a while now, and when practices do start again, they will likely not be 4 or 5 times a week, so I think this was a really good way to sign off for a while.

* Add a bit of Whatsapp compression and I can maybe kind of see where he was coming from, but I’m still rather hurt.

Not a night in front of the fire

It’s been an exceptionally chilly few days in the Western Cape. There is quite a lot (or more) of snow to be seen on the mountains from our bedroom window – like this – (and, I expect, from plenty of other places too).

I was looking forward to an evening in front of the fire and a nice warm TV. I’ve been busy all day, I’ve knocked out an hour in the gym, I’ve driven kids and the domestic all over the place and I’ve shopped so that we have food for the next few days.

I thought I was doing ok.

And then the Dodgeball bombshell dropped. Training: 7-9(ish) way up North. A return to my car park. It’s not like it is an unreasonable request; it’s a perfectly reasonable request that I had somehow put out of my mind when planning my evening.

Le sigh.

I will again attempt to be back home in time for the second half of the footy.