Still going to braai

It was nice this morning. A gentle breeze scurrying the little fluffy clouds across the blue sky, the sunshine playing in and out behind the vivid spring greens of the local trees. As I set out on my run, I thought “bugger me, this hill gets more painful every time I do it”, and then I also thought “We should braai this evening”.

And so, once back from the run and deciding that actually, no medical help was required after all, I went and grabbed a selected of meat and salad products ready for dinner.

Light it at 4, eat at 6ish. No huge hurry. No huge stress.
Just a laid back braai in the Cape Town afternoon sunshine.

And then the Cape Town weather stepped in:

Yeah, it’s no Hurricane Milton, but it’s also far from the best braai’ing weather. But the tjoppies are bought. The steak is marinated. And the fire is lit. So we’re going ahead, even if it chucks it down:

I’ll do my braai’ing in the rain.

Positive vibes and red wine. And possibly an umbrella.

Sorry about yesterday

Yeah. Sorry about that.

Let me explain. I had a sudden craving while out in Hout Bay yesterday. Steak. Specifically rump. And even though I’d already prepared dinner before we left, I knew that I had to deal with things.

Thankfully, I had a pretty agile team at home.

So a quick call to the troops to light the braai, and then a quick drop in at the steak shop on the way home, and we did the thing.

Red wine came courtesy of Miles Mossop, and with some lamb ribs as an amuse bouche it was quite literally a dream come true. And then there was this:

Which wasn’t too shabby either.

Today has seen some gym, a wander around the Waterfront, including a first visit to the Time Out market (nice place, but jeeeeez… expensive!!!) and some weighty fur seal action:

Bit of a bend there, boys.

I’m now settling in for a bit of football this evening.

No hurry

We’re still enjoying some wonderful weather down at the Southern Tip, and there’s really no hurry to get back to Cape Town. Yes, school starts again this week, but it doesn’t start tomorrow, and so we can afford a little more time to relax before we head back home.

And so before I light the braai this evening, I’m sitting in the fresh air – which isn’t moving anywhere near as fast as it was last time we were down here – and enjoying a spicy Bloody Nora with some Chilli [sic] Infusion Vodka from Deep South Distillery. Because of the irritating timing of loadshedding this evening, we’ll eat late tonight, which means braaibroodjie starters to get us through until sundowners, and then some proper vleis a little later on. I can confirm that the rumours of rump steak and peri-peri chicken are not unfounded.

But in the meantime, it’s easy to relax when your biggest concerns are getting a blog post done and lighting a fire.


There were big plans for a long blog post today. But then time got in the way. A bit of a lie-in after yesterday’s busy day, and now a family braai has been planned for this evening.

I have some very decent Swartland Shiraz to pair with my steak. Needs must.

And so, dear reader, can we agree to meet here again tomorrow for a real post (T&C’s apply)?

Thanks so much for your understanding.