Adulation continues…

I said it here.

And other people shared it here.

And now, just not quite a week later, it’s still happening. 😮


Isn’t he, though? Also:


Ag, I don’t know about “melting the internet”. That sounds a bit like when the internet “destroyed Donald Trump” (Spoiler: it didn’t).

But it’s great that the band are getting some more airtime. And it’s nice that people are enjoying the stuff that I enjoy. Some sort of affirmation that I’m vaguely relevant, I guess.

Meh. I’ll take it.


I’ve noticed that several friends on Facebook are – independently of any input from me – beginning to share this post around, and the comments have been unerringly positive.

It was just last week that I was waxing lyrical about the new a-ha MTV Unplugged album, and this is the final song from it. As you might expect, the band finish all their concerts with this song.

Introduced as:

This is a rather different version of this song…
But you’ll still recognise it.

After a distinctly Karma Police first few bars, as you might expect, Morten simply nails the vocal over a beautifully different instrumental.
If you haven’t already heard it – this is your chance. 🙂

It makes me happy to learn that it’s not just me doing fanboy stuff. When a new version of a song from more than 30 years ago, sung by the same guys that did it back then, can still affect people this way – it has to be special.

UPDATE: lol.




See? 🙂


Here’s the acoustic version of a-ha’s only number 1 hit (I know, right?) The Sun Always Shines On TV. and featuring Ingrid Helene Håvik.

Yes, another track from the upcoming MTV Unplugged Summer Solstice album, out in early October.

The next week or so is going to be ridiculously busy for me and the clan, but I will endeavour to keep you updated with exciting news, quality content and several (or more) quota photos.

Keep up by following the 6000 miles… Facebook page and my Instagram.


Herewith the album cover for a-ha’s MTV Unplugged session, recorded on pretty close to the Summer Solstice in north-western Norway. 

It’s due for release on 6th October and will feature two new songs: This Is Our Home and Break In The Clouds, along with nineteen acoustic versions of previous work.

Of course I’m looking forward to it. Why wouldn’t I be?