We had a great time this morning at the Porters Market in Tokai, buying expensive bread, expensive juice and other expensive stuff.
The quality of the produce there is undoubtedly good, the prices are outrageously high. Still – a good time was had by all, a massive bagel was had by Kristen and a gingerbread man was had by Alex.
Coming home, we have been playing in the sun in the garden and the pool, sorting out a few chores around the house and – in my case – photographing a spider’s nest in the back garden. This one is about tennis ball sized and probably belongs to a rain spider.
Mrs 6k isn’t a big fan of spiders, but I think they’re amazing and the nests – made from leaves encompassed in a silky web sack – are incredible. I sprayed this one lightly with water so I could capture the intricate structure.
Bigger here. I guess that’s perfect timing for Halloween, but that was never my intention. It’s so bright and sunny here that Halloween darkness and creepytude seem a long way off.
You can see more of the day (and the spider’s nest) on the flickr set I stuck together really quickly just now.
wow, what kind of spider is that?
.-= Phillip Gibb´s last blog ..phillipgibb: oh well it seems that the new worm for the iPhone is only for Jailbroken iPhones, is this true? =-.
Phillip Gibb > A rain spider (aka huntsman spider): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntsman_spider
Big, scary, but actually rather harmless.