Well, I think that this says it all:
Yes, it would seem that less one in every thousand people want the Cape to be turned into France.
And who can blame the other 999.1 people who think that it’s a terrible idea?
Now, I’m not a bad loser – not ever – but it does suddenly seem like I am a very bad winner.
So, Walter Laurie and your:
Even you have to admit that Cape party support is growing, and that their push toward Cape self-rule has some credibility. No?
No. Because just when we thought it really couldn’t get any smaller, it looks to me like your already pisspoor 0.13% share of the vote in the 2009 National Elections has somehow managed to decrease by 31%.
Thirty-one percent!
But it’s not just me, it’s the entirety of the Western Cape that thinks your idea is a bad idea.
And so now, with apologies to the immortal words of Bjørge Lillelien, I say to you:
Walter Laurie, Chris du Plessis, Erecting a big wall somewhere near Port Elizabeth, John M Riggs and your racist comments, The Cape Republic, Jack Miller, Jack Miller, can you hear me? Your boys took a hell of a beating.
Your boys took a hell of a beating.
Now, let’s all look forward to the Cape Party support “growing” in numbers and credibility in the next elections in 2014.
Well, maybe they should start building the wall. Should at least keep them busy enough to make them forget to register next time around 🙂
Less than 1500 votes ?
Don’t you need like 10 000 signatures to get on the ballot ?
“Erecting a big wall…”
I thought that we had all agreed on a moat.
“It looks to me like the Cape Party are not really telling people why they will be good to vote for. They are just talking about stopping the ANC – that is stupid!”
Said by my 13-year old after seeing the “Stop ANC Rule Forever!” posters of the Cape Party… Now if a 13 year old sees it like that, I think the party in question should have realised it too.