Remember back in April, when I told you that my wife had a better cell phone than I did? Of course you do. 
Well, shame-faced and mildly embarrassed since that day, I have been plotting my revenge. Not because I had anything against my lovely wife, you understand. Well, apart from the fact that it was rather unfair that she had a better cell phone than me, obviously.
Back then, in desperation and dire need of some sort of hope, I was clinging onto the straws of the C702 and the G900. Silly me. Despite the big build-up, when I actually got to see them in the flesh, they were a big disappointment. (see Smith, Graeme and Zille, Helen).

So step forward the Sony Ericsson X1 XPERIA™.
The stats looked good. The video looked even better. I was quivering with mounting anticipation. For ages. Because the only issue was that MTN couldn’t seem to get them to Cape Town.
But now they have. And now I have one.

Simply put, it is a thing of exquisite beauty: form and function combining with consummate ease in a loving, caring symbiotic relationship. It oozes class and functionality.
It’s gorgeous and I am smitten in a way I have never experienced since a winter’s evening at the Wig & Pen in George Street, Oxford some years back. And look where that got me.
Even the name (when suitably abbreviated) looks a little bit naughty, doesn’t it?

So yes, I like it a bit.
Now all I have to do is think of a suitable name for it. Oh – and learn how to use it.
And by the time I’ve mastered that, it’ll be upgrade time again.

30 thoughts on “SE X1

  1. That does look like one funky phone, and seriously puts my Samsung G600 to shame 🙁 I have to wait till April before I can look at upgrading, and even then I’ll end up with something I regret 2 months down the line like usual! Oh and it’s sods law that the wife will end up with a better phone than you!

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: Server Move (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  2. Oooo er, an iphone better than this?
    That’s just blasphemy.

    It’s beautiful 6k *sniff* I’m all jealous and I want to touch it and stuff. Not in any strange and icky ways though. That’s just gross.

    Goblin´s last blog post was: I meant to call (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  3. You’ve now got me looking at if they’re available on O2 back in the UK, and if so how much to upgrade!!

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: Server Move (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  4. My workmate agrees, altho he said he’s gonna look at an iphone when his current contract expires :rollseyes:

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: Server Move (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  5. I’m a Samsung girl myself… and will be getting the Tocco or Omnia on my next upgrade, which is literally weeks away!! Woooo-hoooo!

    I do like the look of your phone, though – how easy is the keyboard to use? I’ve fiddled with an Asus Eee, and *that* keyboard needs concentration!!

    Helga Hansen´s last blog post was: Naughty or Nice? (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  6. Hate to say it, but the SE X1 is probably the only SE I would upgrade to. I used to be an SE person, but there phones have becoming boring little MP3 players. The SE X1 is different though!

    iPhone! Yuck! I’d rather have the new Blackberry or the Samsung Omnia…

  7. Oooh! Now that is SEX1. I’m an SE fan and like the idea of the iphone beater!

    I want that one! Now I have to find out when it comes to Canada.

  8. I agree with Delboy! Having had 1 SE before I hated it, but I feel this one may swing me over from the Samsungs I’ve had for the last 6 years or so

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: Server Move (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  9. ~blows a raspberry at 6000~

    I have been using Samsung for the last 8 years – nothing is going to change that!

    PS. I came to admire your Christmas tree, but I see it has already been nicked… guess nothing changes in good ‘ol SA, eh? 😛

    Helga Hansen´s last blog post was: The Little Christmas Tree (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  10. Nothing wrong with an Asus Eee’s keyboard that a little practice doesn’t fix … although even then it’s not particularly good at making phone calls and looks incredibly cumbersome held against the ear 😉

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