Russian away

Ugh. You know those days when it all starts with meetings and appointments and spreadsheets and telephone calls and ends with about 24 hours to get your stuff together and get on a flight to Russia for a few days?

Yeah. Those ones.

Well, I didn’t have one of those days yesterday, but my wife did.

Obviously, a luxury tour to Moscow and St. Petersbeagle is not something that I would be at all interested in, so I’m not even a little bit jealous.
[Clearly, I’m being tsarcastic here.]

I never learnt lot of Russian, but in case you’re on your way over there in the near future, here are the basics/essentials as I remember them:

Please – pozhaluysta
Thank you – spasibo
Hello – gonchaya
Goodbye – do svidaniya
Yes – da
No – net

Have fun!


* although there was some excitement, lol. 

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