Because I have previously assured my readership that they will get (at least) one post per day here at 6000 miles…, and because I have other things to do aside from blogging, sometimes, when words or time are hard to come by, I’ll chuck up a quota photo so that even though you haven’t got incisive, witty social comment to marvel at, at least there’s something pretty there.
The Quota Photo moniker came (as he correctly assumes) from Brian Micklethwait of BrianMicklethwaitDotCom, and he has passed comment on both the phenomenon of Quota Posting and a recent Quota Photo that I shared on here.
All this because 6k likes to have something up, often. And that’s the point of quota posting, for those of us who are suited to it. If you have reasonable taste, then the mere fact of starting doing a blog posting ensures not only that something will go up, but that, really quite often, something really quite good will go up. Like this photo, which I consider to be very good indeed. Often what takes the time, with blogging as with life, is not doing it, but getting round to doing it. The actual doing is often quickly done, and often very well done.
My thing is this. Not every quota photo will please every reader – I know that many of you come for the dramatic, educated and/or hilarious collections of words that so regularly adorn these pages. But if you don’t like it, don’t read it… or… look at it. You can even ask for a full refund if you wish. Good luck with that.
But just occasionally (and that aerial shot of Piet sê Punt is a good case in point), someone latches onto a quota photo and suddenly, it has more value than a simple placeholder and thus, as Brian points out:
Some of my best blog postings have happened because I wanted to put up any old something, however bad, and it turned out really good.
Whenever and wherever I can, I will continue to get a “real” blog post on here each day. However, when that isn’t possible, quota posts – and especially quota photos – will continue to be my fallback tactic.
And now we all eagerly await Brian’s Post about a Post about a Post about a Quota Photo.
“Often what takes the time, with blogging as with life, is not doing it, but getting round to doing it. The actual doing is often quickly done, and often very well done.”
Considering having this tattooed on my forehead. But then the question becomes: as-is or in reverse? Probably best to have it tattooed on my forearm.
Alternatively, I could just print it out and stick it on my desk.
Biobot > then there’s the issue of actually getting to your desk to read it.