Photo of a blonde girl with an Eastern European parliament building between her legs

No. 1 in a series of 1. Or so I’m guessing, anyway.


From here, but I’m really not sure how or why.

The trouble with starting a series like this on one’s blog is that there are often limited opportunities for continuing it. But that’s what makes it special, exclusive, unique.
Everyone has got photos of brunette girls with Eastern European parliament buildings between their legs; or photos of blonde girls with Western European parliament buildings between their legs. So why bother with that run-of-the-mill stuff?

It’s going the extra mile that makes this blog stand out from all those others.

Next week we begin our much anticipated series of posts of charcoal drawings of West African freshwater fish lying in wooden boxes.

Much like you, I can hardly wait.

9 thoughts on “Photo of a blonde girl with an Eastern European parliament building between her legs

  1. Diva > Draughty.

    Wiggy > Me too. But it’ll take an expensive trip abroad to make it happen. Donate money to me at…. etc etc.

    Rob > Careful now.

    Po > That spike on top of the dome looks painful. I know a couple of interesting facts about the Hungarian Parliament building, but I’ll save them for the West African fish post.

  2. Emil > Oh great. The Somerset West shoulder freak is on my case. 😉

    Stan > Was going to, but felt Big Ben may be a little phallic.

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