Michael Jennings goes to Chernobyl

Another link via Brian Micklethwait, this time to Michael Jennings’ Samizdata post about his trip to Chernobyl. We were told that we were about to visit the most radioactive place on the whole trip. Geiger counters were brought out, and we watched the numbers double, triple, and quadruple, to a level far higher than we had […]

Roman Rock

One of a great many photos that I took at Boulders Beach this morning, more of which I will upload tomorrow morning as there is a rugby and curry evening starting 4 minutes ago and we’re hosting. Oops. This is the Roman Rock Lighthouse, just outside Simonstown Harbour, thus satisfying my lighthouse fetish. And, in the […]

Clarkson on Jozi

Jeremy Clarkson has been to Johannesburg. And he didn’t get mugged, hijacked, shot, stabbed or killed in any way whatsoever. I could reproduce the whole article here, but I won’t – click his name if you want that. Meanwhile, here’s just a little taster. Jo’burg has a fearsome global reputation for being utterly terrifying, a lawless […]

Is Zuma appealing?

Well, not to a lot of people as our future President anymore, since fraud and corruption charges were re-instated against him yesterday, following the National Prosecuting Authority’s successful appeal against Zuma’s previous appeal to get the charges against him dropped was overturned. It remains to be seen whether, having considered the NPA’s successful appeal against Zuma’s […]