One month to go

Just one month to go before the mighty Red & White Wizards kick off their Premier League campaign against Crystal Palace at Beautiful Downtown Bramall Lane.

The 2023/24 season will start on Friday 11 August 2023. The final match round will be on Sunday 19 May 2024, when all fixtures will kick off simultaneously as usual.
The season schedule returns to normal following the COVID-19 pandemic and the FIFA World Cup 2022, which has caused disruption across three consecutive seasons.

So, have we signed anyone?

Well, not at the time of writing. But hopefully something will have happened on that score by the time you’re reading this post.

I’m looking forward to the season with the usual amount of excitement and trepidation. And, along with every other Sheffield United fan, I would bite your arm off (not literally) for a guaranteed 17th place finish.

Anything more would be an absolute bonus.