(not me)

Regular readers will have seen that when describing my life I helpfully add the labels (me) or (not me) depending on what I am or am not doing. Like here or here, for example.
Hopefully, this makes it easier to work out which bits apply to which people in the blog post for anyone who might otherwise be confused.

Today, the kitchen calendar looks like this:

Which all seems rather exciting and pretty amazing – or at least it did until until I add the subnote:

(not me)

Mmm. I will only get as far as the airport.

At this end.

And talking of the airport at this end…

In other news, my computer helpfully informed me of this as I switched it on this lunchtime:

I mean, it’s all relative. The plummet is from 19 to 14 degrees. Hardly Singapore Airlines-esque.

But I’d much rather be in Mauritius.
