Not an April Fool

I seriously thought this was an April Fool, but it’s two days too late.

This has been all over the UK internet already, but I thought I should share it with my SA readers. And yes, I know. It’s from the Daily Mail – 6000 miles… favourite paper. But it still left me incredulous.

On a recent flight to New York, I was delighted when a stewardess came over and gave me a bottle of champagne.
“This is from the captain — he wants to welcome you on board and hopes you have a great flight today,” she explained.
You’re probably thinking “what a lovely surprise”. But while it was lovely, it wasn’t a surprise. At least, not for me.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve regularly had bottles of bubbly or wine sent to my restaurant table by men I don’t know. Once, a well-dressed chap bought my train ticket when I was standing behind him in the queue, while there was another occasion when a charming gentleman paid my fare as I stepped out of a cab in Paris.
Another time, as I was walking through London’s Portobello Road market, I was tapped on the shoulder and presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers. Even bar tenders frequently shoo my credit card away when I try to settle my bill.

And whenever I’ve asked what I’ve done to deserve such treatment, the donors of these gifts have always said the same thing: my pleasing appearance and pretty smile made their day.

Yep – this is the opening from this “story”, detailing the “downsides to looking this pretty”, according to Samantha Brick.

I actually can’t do it justice, featuring, as it does, photo captions such as:

Blushing bride: Samantha on her wedding day, left, and right, at home with Pascal. She laments that not one of her girlfriends has ever asked her to be a bridesmaid – perhaps from fear of being overshadowed by her looks.

and lines like:

I’m tall, slim, blonde and, so I’m often told, a good-looking woman. I know how lucky I am. But there are downsides to being pretty — the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks.

I’m not smug and I’m no flirt, yet over the years I’ve been dropped by countless friends who felt threatened if I was merely in the presence of their other halves. If their partners dared to actually talk to me, a sudden chill would descend on the room.

You women can be such bitches, hey?

But wait – there’s more! So (and you have no idea how much it pains me to say this), go to the Daily Mail website and read this amazing article for yourself. Let me know what you think, please.

UPDATE: The twitter parody account has arrived.

UPDATE 2: Newsthump’s view and here(Thanks Maggie)

9 thoughts on “Not an April Fool

  1. I think she’s talking through her arse….she’s attractive but by no means beautiful. Maybe she hasn’t been asked be a bridesmaid because either she’s a bit too full of herself or she has no mates because she’s a bit too full of herself.

  2. I think the most accurate line of the article refers to women reading it and forming an unflattering opinion. Guilty as charged. But I can assure you, there is no jealousy involved.

  3. oh no! she got the creepy bearded french dude. i am soooooooo jealous! bitch!
    other than that.. she sounds super nice. no idea why anyone wouldn’t want to be her friend.

  4. Priceless caption on the last pic: ‘… and rarely does she succumb to chocolate.’

    THAT’S obviously why the rest of us are such dumb, fat bitches who regularly get asked to be bridesmaids, just so the bride can shine next to our pimpled dimples. (Oh, and why we get to pay for our own damn train tickets too.) Who can help me sue Cadbury’s?

  5. Ha ha! She sounds like a prize!
    BUT here’s an interesting titbit: I am by no means full of myself, but I have been called pretty and women with low self esteem (one in particular I can think of) have felt threatened by me. One went so far as to go behind my back (to a friend of mine) & to accuse me of flirting with her husband in front of her (we were all in a kitchen, I greeted everyone including her husband). My friend told me about it afterwards. I was dumbstruck!
    There are some women who will turn their insecurities into jealous rages against innocents. But the prize winner above sounds like she wants the world to feel sorry for her. She just sounds full of herself to me.

  6. Look at me, ain’t I lovely? As the lady wife would put it – “she’s selling tickets on herself”.

  7. Henry Crun > Yeah, but what an arse… Wow.

    Fox > No. For if I did, everything else on the screen would pale into sorry insignificance.

    Mingbean > I think a lot of women are going to use that excuse.

    anib > He’s not creepy. Women love him. They just can’t help themselves.

    The Doctor > Would you want your winnings in chocolate? That would be a vicious circle, but surely a very welcome one.

    Diva > Careful now – you’re sounding a little bit Samantha…

    The Jannie > Well, buy up and enjoy the ride!

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