I was just going through my usual Sunday morning routine of curing inoperable brain tumours in little children by clicking Facebook LIKE buttons, when suddenly, there was incoming communication from @JacquesR:
Three years after launching it, this Cape Party petition for Western Cape independence is 4/10 of the way there: http://www.mypetition.co.za/index.php?page=sign_petition&petition_id=135
And he’s right.
Why is it listed under “Crime”? The Cape Party are just a bit rubbish, they’re not criminals.
The other thing I can’t understand is how such a significant attempt to install an independent government in the Cape has slipped under the radar for so long. I think we’ve all had the feeling that too many political organisations rely solely on the ballot box and the democratic process.
But, as we know, that simply didn’t work for the Cape Party as they only managed to scrape 0.09% of the local vote.
It’s a tall order to govern any country effectively when fewer than 1 in 1000 people are supporting you. In fact, as the ANC have showed us, it’s apparently pretty tough to govern any country effectively full stop.
As far as I am aware, the ANC has yet to resort to online petitions. Given their efficacy (the petitions, not the ANC), one has to wonder why. After all, recently, several petitions on Change.org have been attributed the reversal of a United Airlines Dog Policy. And if clicking a checkbox means that your spaniel can fly across the States, then I’m obviously all for it.
In fact, many people believe that online petitions are the worst examples of “slacktivism”, like dancing on a beach, wearing a certain colour of clothing or sticking a red plastic rhino horn on the front of your car. That is, it’s an all too easy way to make yourself feel that you are doing something, when actually, you are having no effect whatsoever. It’s merely a panacea for your conscience, not for the problem you are supposedly highlighting.
To me, it speaks volumes that the Cape Party’s online petition is floundering at 40% completion after three years of trying. So even when all people have to do to express their support is to click a link , they don’t.
Someone once said: “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results”. The fact that the Cape Party continue to push for Cape independence and expect people to agree with them simply proves that they are all quite, quite mad.
For someone who clearly opposes any notion of a Cape governing itself – you sure do keep the flame alive by constantly talking about Cape Independence..
..even though your not even from SA let alone the Cape.
Walter > *you’re
And watch yourself, I’ll be able to vote in 2014…
Now you can get involved in your own small way instead of just moaning from a useless blog about a place you’re not from. I am no fan of the Cape party, and I don’t even think Independence is a good idea but I was very pro going the route of state Federalism of the WC, and I honestly think that had you been born here you might feel the same.
Anyway, it’s been fun as always…
Im curious: if for argument’s sake they asked you, would you dispose of you’re British passport?
I ask because (and I think you’d agree) it does bring a certain finality to your reality, of which we who were born here truly do understand.
Walter > For someone who clearly thinks this blog is useless – you sure do keep the flame alive by constantly coming here and leaving comments..
Haha well done..
That’s the 2nd time you’ve dodged my question now..
Walter > Not dodging the question. It’s a pointless idea. Giving up my UK passport wouldn’t symbolise anything. Being born in the UK, and having parents born in the UK, means that I would always be able to reinstate it anyway. Not much I can do about that, I’m afraid.
Ronnie > I resisted that.
I’m afraid I just couldn’t. Chop