My shipment on hold

Bad news from my email today. My shipment on hold.

Hopefully, it’s not on hold next to the Al Kuwait (actually, she left this morning).

But it’s not great that my shipment sent through smash contains things that are dependent on customs obligations. No-one wants that to happen to them.

Those customs obligations are R16.13. That’s 67p or 85c.
It’s not a lot, but I’m glad that they might want to illuminate me about it.

Something seems to have been lost a little in translation [lol, you think?!? – Ed.] on the next line though. It’s almost as if for some reason, they mistook customs as in the department responsible for taxing products moving in and out of the country, with customs, meaning a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time.

Hence their use of a synonym for the wrong customs and asking me to pay my traditions obligations.


What happens if I don’t pay my traditions obligations, though? What are you going to do about it?

Wait, what? The shipment might get back to transporter?!? Not the same transporter that sent through smash contains things that are dependent on customs obligations?!?

I’d better visit their site and adhere to the directions, and then acknowledge the conveyance, sharpish.