More sky stuff

A few weeks ago, I gave you a lovely picture of the sunset taken from my front garden.

Just one month later, I found myself pointing my camera skyward once again:


With just a touch of imagination (or a quart of Milk Stout), it could be a dove of peace, bringing hope and love for the New Year. Or, I suppose, a seagull ready to poop on your dreams for 2009.
Alternatively, you may choose to opt for the more realistic “it’s just some clouds” option. That would also be entirely justified and is probably the most sensible course of action.

18 thoughts on “More sky stuff

  1. Lady Fi > I spend my life looking up into the sky in the hope of seeing lottery numbers or something. This was a bit second best if I’m honest. 😉

    Val > Thank you. Your glass is obviously half full. I just drank mine…

  2. Hey 6000

    What a brill photo – we would take option a. Heading your way in 5 weeks and can’t wait to see more of the same. Cheers Andy & Michelle G.

  3. Hi,
    like the pic,
    I find I am quiet envious of ppl with a gift of using a camera. My sis is quiet good, she has some excellent photos of my dogs.
    My take on the pic, it looks like a soaring eagle to me, that a good thing,


  4. Helga > If you’ve got it, flaunt it. Hang on… why am I telling you that?

    Goblin > That’s what I thought too, once the beer had worn off.

    Andy & Michelle > I’ll organise some good weather, if I can. Thus, no clouds. (Terms and Conditions apply)

    Emil > Thanks Emil – and to you and yours.

    Matfox > I thought eagle too. Or maybe a bit of kite? Or maybe just some water vapour.

  5. Dear “6000 Miles from Civilization” author,

    My name is John Wilpers. I am the Global Blog Coordinator for GlobalPost, a new international news organization set to launch on Jan. 12 (see

    You may have received an e-mail from me or one of my interns last month, but I am so interested in getting your RSS feed onto GlobalPost that I thought I would risk being redundant with another letter.

    My job is to build a list of blogs that will appear on GlobalPost where we will have approximately 65 correspondents in some 46 countries. We are looking for enlightening, informative posts from bloggers writing (in English) in those countries.

    I am pleased to extend an invitation to you to have the most recent post of “6000 Miles from Civilization” included on the South Africa page of as part of our “Global Blogs” service.

    After reviewing thousands of blogs worldwide, we have found “6000 Miles from Civilization” to be one that is thought provoking and gives readers your unique perspective on what life is really like in South Africa.

    The way it would work if you accept our invitation is that we would use your RSS feed to place your most recent post on your personal page on We would point back to your actual blog for comments and for archives, hopefully driving lots of traffic to your site. Each time you write a new post, it would replace the older one so only one post would appear on

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    You don’t need to do anything differently. We do request that you consider pointing back to us from your blog (we will send out logos shortly for your consideration).

    You should know that we have a few guidelines that we observe here at Global Post:

    1) We do not publish racist, sexist, or misogynist comments (unless those comments are the subject of the post).
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    Failure to observe these guidelines would result in the removal of your blog from GlobalPost. We would contact you, of course, to discuss the post in question.

    Because we have a broad multicultural audience holding every conceivable political and religious viewpoint, we want to respect their views while also possibly challenging them. We will host controversial work. We will encourage robust debate of the hottest topics. We will not stifle discussion, only abuse of people, belief systems, and laws.

    We hope these guidelines are acceptable to you.

    I look forward getting your permission to put your RSS feed on our site. Please reply to: Thank you!


    John Wilpers

    PS If you choose to accept our invitation and would like a photo and a short biography to appear on GlobalPost, please send both to me with your confirmation e-mail or at some time shortly thereafter.

    Global Blog Coordinator
    The Pilot House
    Lewis Wharf
    Boston, MA 02110

  6. Wow! I love this photo. I’ve spent the past three weeks incessantly taking photos of clouds and have started labeling them with names such as ‘punch drunk love clouds’, ‘God moment clouds’, ‘candyfloss’, ‘I’m done raining’, ‘crispy blue’… you get the picture. Holidays do weird things to me 🙂

    Cluckhoff´s last blog post was: In 2009 I will… (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  7. Cluckhoff > As I said in the sunset post, the sky is just so photogenic in South Africa. All you have to do is point and shoot. I guess the imagination and creativity comes in giving them cool titles. Mine looked a bit like a bird, so I left it like that. *sigh*

  8. Simon > That would also fit. As would the Buzzard of Boredom, the Duck of Disappointment or the Sugarbird of Shi…. well… never mind.

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