Lines you never thought you’d be writing on your blog:
Orville the cat’s nine lives ran out after being hit by a car last year; but rather than simply paying his respects and burying him peacefully, Orville’s owner Bart Jansen has turned him into a work of art.
Orville’s body has been stuffed, poked, prodded and turned into a remote control helicopter.
In fact, let’s just run that by you (and me) one more time:
Orville’s body has been stuffed, poked, prodded and turned into a remote control helicopter.
Here’s the story. If only there was a picture. Wait, there is!
Amazing. If only there was a video.
No – seriously?
Admit it. You’re looking at Felix and you’re thinking about jet engines, aren’t you?
At last some real art, after all the fuss over the spear.
“101 Things To Do With A Dead Cat”
You read the book. Now thrill to the movie. Cast of thousands. Coming to a cinema near you, soon.