Had it

As summer breathes its final breath and dies its final death, barely hanging on here in the Cape with a measly high of 28°C expected today, the bad news is that we still have a mosquito problem. Specifically in my bedroom last night. This is the downside of Cape Town summer for me and I will consider it a GoodThing™ when the cold comes and kills off the last of those little bastards.

It could be worse though.

Worse because right on our doorstep, a child is dying from malaria every minute. We’re lucky that SA is pretty much a malaria-free country, but every year, malaria kills 650,000 – mostly pregnant women and children under five – which is a huge, huge number, especially since malaria is a disease that is both preventable and treatable.
I’ve actually had malaria: thankfully, I didn’t die from it. But even then, it’s a wholly unpleasant and debilitating disease. It’s not something you want, even when you know it’s going to get treated.

Tomorrow – April 25th 2013 –  is World Malaria Day and one way you can help out is by buying a bracelet from Relate Bracelets, a social enterprise which has partnered with United Against Malaria Bracelet for R30.


Fairly funky, I reckon, although I freely admit to not being a huge bracelet expert. I’m going to get my daughter one because she’ll love it and I’m going to get my son one, because he has that kind of surfer boy look when it’s sunny and the mozzies are out.
Funds sold from this bracelet go to The Global Fund, which distributes nets (I need this), indoor sprays and provides access to medication.

You can get your bracelet at selected Game and Tiger’s Eye curio stores (Indaba and Out of Africa) or if you are agoraphobic, online through Digital Mall.

Do your bit, get a bracelet and make a difference.

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