Arguing over whether people actually read stuff before commenting on it (they don’t) is so last week, and thus it’s time to add a couple more thoughts from my fracking post, which was ever so trendy (like Lewis Pugh was last week).
Firstly, there were a couple (literally two) objections to my use of the term “bunnyhugger” to describe those of a green persuasion. Now, I rebuffed these objections by questioning exactly what could be insulting about saying someone cuddles rabbits. But apparently, it’s a derogatory term. Aside from the fact that perhaps I wished to be derogatory, I would point out that “bunnyhugger” is merely a derivative of “treehugger”, which is a common term by which environmentalists refer to each other. See environmental website, for example.
Putting this neatly in perspective: I have called people worse.
Secondly, I found another good (fairly well balanced) article about natural gas and fracking. Since these sort of articles seem to be few and far between, I thought I would share it. It’s from MIT and weighs up the needs, the pros and the cons of natural gas and shale gas extraction.
Give it a read – at least until you get to the first bit where it says natural gas is good, then you can stop and throw rocks at me.
Thirdly, we may all be saved from fossil fuels forever anyway, thanks to the all new, all singing, all dancing (disclaimer: it neither sings, nor dances) artificial photosynthetic leaf:
The artificial leaf uses nickel and cobalt as catalysts to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by facilitating oxygen-oxygen bonding.
Oxygen and hydrogen molecules are then sent to a fuel cell that can produce electricity. If the device is placed in a one-gallon bucket of water in bright sunlight, it can reportedly produce enough electricity to power a house in a developing nation.
The one immediate flaw I can see in their plan is that many people in developing countries don’t have buckets.
Oh, or water.
Finally, a word of caution from Dilbert on green technologies:
And did you know it’s illegal to have wind turbine in your back garden in Cape Town?
It must be true, because I heard it on Cape Talk last night.
Thanks for the link to the article about natural gas and fracking. It’s so hard to find unbiased resources online. I’ve got a phonecall with an executive manager of the Geographical Association of South Africa later this afternoon to clear up some technical details later, but it seems as though unless you speak to someone who is knowledgeable in the field but not involved with either side, everything you read/hear should be considered skeptically. Shot for doing just that.
kelltrill > Absolutely correct on all fronts. How to find someone who doesn’t have a direct opinion? I haven’t found a way yet except by extensive research (which I really don’t have time for) and pure good luck (I may have used all this up).
All this talk of fracking is getting me hot under the collar.
Signed Heather Mills
CEO Vegans for Fracking
The artificial leaf idea is expounded upon in Ian McEwans latest novel “Solar”. I had no idea it was a valid solution. I’m impressed. *puts bucket back over head*
Andrew > STOP!
we need that bucket.
Worth any feedback?
About Shell, fracking, Karoo and protests.
Emil > Thanks for the heads up. Done.