
Big shout out to Andrew Sokolic, apparent head honcho at the WATER SHEDDING WESTERN CAPE Facebook group, who, it would appear, has chosen to copy and paste this popular post from my blog and pass it off as his own work to his 59,000 followers, thus:

(…and so on)

Well, they do say that shamelessly ripping off other people’s work is the sincerest form of flattery (or something), don’t they?

The good news is that everyone seemed there to like it. So if you’re in his group, why not drop a comment on the post, telling everyone where you saw it first? You can even point him (and them) to this post.

Thanks. And have a great day.

UPDATE: A ‘credit’ has appeared at the bottom of the post. It wasn’t there before. You can click the little drop down menu on the post and click “View Edit History” to watch it appearing, about an hour after the original was posted.

Thank you for all the fuss you guys kicked up. It’s been fun. šŸ™‚


UPDATE 2: And now:



h/t Richard for the heads up.

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