The official countdowns all say four, but ask anyone how many days between Sunday and Friday and you’ll be told five. So the official countdowns aren’t fooling anyone.
Mid-range forecasts suggest that Cape Town is going to have a pretty horrendous start to the week weather-wise, but that Thursday – and more importantly – Friday, are both going to be mild and DRY.
While Cape Town is allegedly a way behind Jo’burg in World Cup spirit, something I can believe after visiting the rather sterile Waterfront this morning, there are spots of extreme gees (spirit) here and there. Like the guy above with his work-in-progress garage door in Newlands. (You can see this new landmark from the M3 opposite Newlands Forest [MAP].)
This apparent lack of excitement doesn’t worry me. Capetonians always start getting into these things a little late, but then once they do, they do it so much better than residents of other South African cities we could mention.
You know we are going to bring the GEES in Cape Town from Friday. We just don’t need to be trendy to show it.
Besides has everyone forgotten that little jol we threw in Long street last year for the draw?
.-= Phaezen´s last blog ..Dark Sun Previews =-.
HA! Capetownians lazy! Lazy people wok for me, lazy lazy lazy. In China this lazy people we shoot for like to be lazy. Not so good.
It looks like that bear has great tackling technique.
In with the shoulder at just above the waist and driving upwards.
Judging by the look on the ball carrier’s face he was caught unawares too.