Continuing our piscine theme from yesterday, we bought and set up a fishtank ahead of Alex’s birthday later this week.
No actual fish yet, but we’ll get them once the water has sorted itself out. It’s currently full of chlorine and devoid of helpful microorganisms. Hopefully by the day of his actual birthday, we’ll be able to add the bubble-eyes he’s after.
His birthday party today was a riot.
Almost literally. Photos tomorrow.
Kids birthday parties, the bane of parents’ lives. Over the years we’ve had football parties, swimming parties, a trip to Tamworth Snowdome, fancy dress parties, Laserquest parties and pizza making parties. Now that No1 son is approaching 18 birthday parties involve cases of lager and exclusion of parents. Daughters are easier, they graduate very quickly from the Princess & Pirates phase to sleepovers which only require Twilight DVDs and nail decorating kits.