Someone appears to have finally worked out what the internet is for:
Explosions and Boobs.
Click the link and you get exactly what it says on the tin: a picture of an explosion and a picture of some boobs. Thus:
Hit REFRESH and you get a different picture of an explosion and a different picture of some boobs. Hit REFRESH again and you get another explosion and some more boobs.
There’s none of that irritating writing that can sometimes detract from these sorts of images. And quite right too. There’s no need for any sort of explanation here. We know what we’re seeing here. We’re seeing explosions and boobs.
I can’t help but wonder if this is a forerunner for a more advanced site that would perhaps have pictures of, say, explosions, boobs, beers and great sporting moments – something along the lines of, might work.
And before I get accused of deserting my female readership, well, I am. Just for this one post.
And the ones about football last week.
I’ll do something on flowers and Justin Timberlake tomorrow*, ok?
* Almost certainly a lie.
Nothing wrong with explosions.
Emil > Indeed. I love a couple of big bangers as much as the next man.
Hahahaha now those are the important things in life.
And flowers and JT? Please. You’re more likely to get a gay following than making your female readership happy with that one 😉
Goblin´s last blog post was: Learn your place! (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Goblin > What makes you think I don’t already have a gay following?
His name is Graham.
This is class…. you have to wonder who comes up with these things though… genius, or nutcase? 😀
… that said, it passed 20 mins or so 😉
Jim > Oh – I think genius.
I found the explosions boring after a while – thank goodness for the boobage instead! 😀 And before you ask, I was looking at the bras… 😉
Helga Hansen´s last blog post was: Jumping Jack Flash (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
If you write about Justin I may have to puke unless you write about how Justin makes you puke.
Po´s last blog post was: Feeling all at sea. (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
I’m a lady and I do lady things [fake posh British accent], but I’d rather settle for the boobs and explosion instead of JT, can do without the competition….
Graham is but one, not, in fact, a following.
Goblin´s last blog post was: 25 things I’ve learnt in 25 years (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
HH > Of course you were. And I was looking at their shoulders.
Po > Oh, cry me a river.
Morticia > I think all of us enjoy settling for boobs and explosions.
Goblin > One swallow doth not a summer make. Not that I’ve ever even met Graham, let alone done anything like that.
Well as now 6000 admits i’m his ‘biggest fan’ it’s time he took me up on that offer of a free duo delux massage (i’ll be the top) & BSC. English boys are soo horribly hairy.
Graham > Thanks for your offer. Although of course, I didn’t say “biggest fan”, I said “gay follower”.
Amazingly, your IP address corresponds
almostexactly with that of one of my regular commenters.Hoodathunkitt? 😉
That must be wee Seth Rotherham.. He is one of my bestest johns & blogs to all his boyfriends nonstop on our free wifi. 😉
Graham > How did ever guess that Seth Rotherham would be implicated in this? (Greenpoint, men’s grooming salon, duo delux massage).