Doubling up

After the huge success of the opening football match at the Cape Town Stadium, the next test comes tomorrow when the crowd limit is doubled from the 20,000 that watched the football to 40,000 for the Stormers v Boland rugby clash.

And while they are testing the stadium for World Cup readiness, I am going to use the opportunity to test the Alex for World Cup readiness.
I’d imagine that sitting watching egg-chasing with 39,999 other people might be quite an ordeal if you’re only 3¾ years old. And while I’ll take plenty of sweets along for bribes, I do have a feeling that he won’t enjoy it much. However, better to give him a chance to see the stadium and at least know what it’s like ahead of the Midwinter’s Day clash between the diving Porras and the enigmatic North Koreans.

Because even if he hates it tomorrow, he will be going along to that World Cup game – it’s always better to regret something you have done, than something you haven’t. And then, when he grows up, he will be able to tell his kids that he was there.

Note: I will also be test-driving Mrs 6000 on the new stadium tomorrow. But she went to Newlands once, so I think she’ll be fine.

4 thoughts on “Doubling up

  1. “I’ll take plenty of sweets along for bribes” – cue one fidgety child… have you not learnt yet that sweets + small child = trouble?? 😀

    PS. What happens to K-Pu? Will she be re-enacting scenes from “Home Alone”, or is she having special Grandma Time?

  2. Now, you see, that was my mistake: I didn’t try taking Son to sporting events until he was old enough to say “No” and not only mean it, but make me feel guilty for trying to educate him.

    Indoctrination at an early age, it’s the only way.
    .-= Ro´s last blog ..Bloody Zombies! =-.

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