It’s getting close to closing date for the third sales phase of World Cup 2010 tickets and you’d be silly to chance it and hope that you can buy them over the counter a bit later. Even though FIFA have promised to make it easy for South Africans to do just that, there’s a good chance that many of the more popular games will have sold out by the time that opportunity comes around.
The easiest way (assuming you have access to the internet) (and how are you reading this if you don’t) is via
You can apply for a maximum of 7 games and a maximum of four tickets per game. That’s 28 tickets. Plenty to go around, although it’s worth knowing that you will need the passport or ID number for each person you want to take along. (You will be given the opportunity to swap these people around a little later).
Tickets for SA residents start at R140 for the first round games, although you could spend up to R6,300 per ticket if you want a posh seat for the final (that’s R25,200 if you want four). But your chances of getting them are pretty low. Which is gonna be a bummer when you’re sat at home watching England beat whoever on July 11th, but which will mean that at least you can eat in the intervening period.
If you need any further pushing as to why you shouldn’t miss out – Carlos Amato is here to help.
“partially successful” ? Is that like, “Sorry, we couldn’t give you a full seat but you can have half a seat and share with an irate German” ?
.-= Tara´s last blog ..Busy little bee =-.
R140??? Blimey, that’s cheaper than a seat at a Premier fixture!! I’m guessing if you want tickets for the final, it’s not a case of what you know (ie. damned impossible), but who you know (then possibly not impossible 😀 ). I guess you don’t know anyone who could get those tickets, hhmmm? 😉
What these ball game??? R6,300 for sit in match? You people too much $$ wasting!
Wu > No – I think R6,300 is worth it. How much were those Olympics tickets again?