568mls in a pint… (just saying, Cape Talk).
What a morning.
I went across to Robben Island earlier today. Just a recce. I’m both inspired and knackered. And now rather concerned about the actual visit in (less than) a couple of weeks. Could be exhausting.
This was a whistle-stop tour to discuss wants and needs and plans, so there literally wasn’t any time to stop and take the place in. However, it could also be a whistle-stop tour to look at what I might get some photos of when we actually go. I was using my old kit lens to play with and we were rushing, so I had to do a bit of messing around with some of the photos when I got back, so I went full messing around. These pictures never looked tremendous, so why not have some fun?
They did not come straight out of the camera like this, ok Ian?
The lighthouse needs a coat of paint. And this photo needs less HDR, but we all have our issues. This is deliberate, honest RBOSS. And I’m actually ok with that.
Then there was this smart guy by the sea:
This was taken through the window of a moving minibus. Yes, I know it shows a bit. But not too much, right?
I was also impressed.
With the right lenses, (ok, and possibly a lot less messing around in post) these would be much better images. And so that’s what I’ll try and do next time around.
Here’s one that I’ve left just about “as is”:
And it might look bright and colourful, but it was actually a very bright and colourful scene.
You can’t blame me for that. (Artificial) saturation = 0.
The real visit is going to be very hard work, but it’s also going to be very rewarding in a lot of different ways. Hopefully one of them will be some amazing photographs.