It might as well be, anyway.
Since the announcement that we would hopefully be moving to “Level 4” lockdown restrictions on May 1st – something that will not be materially different for the vast number of people in SA – the population seems to have given up on their lockdown.
The roads are busy, next door are having yet another braai with their family, and people are wandering past our house in greater and greater numbers.
But with Cape Town now one of the SA hotspots for new infections, there’s a real chance that we actually might not be downgraded by the end of the week, or that if we are, we might be upgraded again soon after.
The blame for this will be placed squarely at the door of government, at whichever level – city, province of national – but it will actually be due to the aforementioned fuck-knuckles going around, living their normal lives and pretending that their actions have no consequences for the rest of us.
I seriously don’t know how much more simply anyone can explain it to them. It’s hardly rocket surgery:
Don’t. Go. Out.
and yet… the cars still go by, the people still walk past and the braai smoke still drifts from next door’s chimney.