It’s bad news for me.
This shouldn’t really be a thing, but I have a feeling that this could be a thing.
It was Stuart Maconie who (rightfully*) felt the need to correct those who contacted his weekend breakfast show on 6 Music claiming they were “on a staycation” because they were “staying” in Britain, rather than going abroad for their “vacation”.
“Hang on though,” said Stuart. “You’re erroneously conflating the word ‘staycation’ with the term ‘domestic tourism’.”
Damn straight. It’s not hard.
Domestic tourism is when you stay in your own country for a holiday.
A staycation is where you stay in your own house for a holiday.
And given the current situation, both are going to be a whole lot more popular this year.
Check out wikipedia, which is always right:
A staycation (a portmanteau of “stay” and “vacation”) is a period in which an individual or family stays home and participates in leisure activities within day trip distance of their home and does not require overnight accommodation. Common activities of a staycation include use of a backyard pool, visits to local parks and museums, and attendance at local festivals and amusement parks. Some staycationers also like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a start and end date, planning ahead, and avoiding routine, with the goal of creating the feel of a traditional vacation.
Ha. I think that solves everything. So shall we m… I’m sorry… look at what?
The next sentence?
…in British English the term became associated with taking a holiday in one’s own country as opposed to travelling abroad (domestic tourism).
Well, ok. But this is from wikipedia and that’s not always right.
Let’s have a look at the Oxford English Dictionary, which will confirm that they are wrong and Stuart Maconie and I are correct, as expected.
A holiday spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.
So it seems that we are right.
But so are they. Bugger.
So this is one where I have to admit defeat. This is not a hill (in my own garden or even in my own country) that I am willing to die on.
They were right. And I was wrong.
And Stuart Maconie was also wrong, which has shaken me a little, I’ll admit. I might send him this post, just so he knows not to keep on at this one again this coming weekend, because actually, he’s not right.
Maybe one to just sweep quietly under the carpet.
* or so we all thought