OK, let’s get the full disclosure out of the way before we begin. The project I’m about to punt is the brainchild of a friend of mine. But that’s where it ends. I have no financial ties to him or to the project. I’m just putting this out there because I know he has been working damn hard on this for several years and because I think it has really positive implications for the local environment and the local economy.
The Urban Turbine is a a vertical wind turbine project that is designed to offer an alternative power source to homes and businesses alike, schools, hospitals and business parks. 100% locally manufactured and supported.
We are in final prototype phase and need to get raw material and a factory setup (once operational we will employ full time staff – job creation of 10-50 people).
With this crowdfunding request, Brian is looking for “just” R10,000 ($1,200/£750/€975) in order to help set up production of the units. There are incentives for those using the startme page to donate, with various discounts on future UT purchases.
Who knows? In a few years, we might (should?) all have one of these in our back garden or on our roof – saving us money while Eskom’s prices keep increasing way beyond inflation and way, way beyond your paycheck. Schools would be able to teach through power cuts (assuming they had textbooks). Hospitals wouldn’t have to worry abut loadshedding and the effect it had on ICU patients.
And wouldn’t it be great if everyone’s turbine was produced in South Africa? Locally-sourced parts and materials being assembled by locally-trained and locally-employed individuals.
With the current state of the economy and high rates of unemployment, what’s not to like with that vision?
You can read more about the Urban Turbine and get in touch with Brian on his Future Power Solutions website.
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Couple of things:
1) Awesome project
2) Poor choice of platform to use – StartMe is WAY to locally focused and has a tiny community. Why don’t you use Kickstarter or Indiegogo (both support projects in SA but I would go with Indiegogo)
3) The project page is VERY poorly set up – to the point where I wont personally fund this until I have more information, EVEn though I think I understand what the project is what what it aims to achieve.
Some tips here on how to do this better – http://www.sponsume.com/blog/7-things-you-need-know-launching-your-crowdfunding-campaign
I will personally put some cash towards this but I need more and better project info – I also don’t trust StartMe. Good Luck!
Daniel > Thanks for the feedback. I will make sure that Brian sees this and (hopefully) give you some more information/update via this page.
Brilliant – only want to see projects like this succeed!
Thanks for sharing too – there is not nearly enough coverage for projects like this and they all deserve our support!
Very cool project!
Wow, small world then. Brian is an ex-colleague of mine who recently left our company to pursue other things, this project being one of them. He is seriously passionate and driven about this whole urban vertical wind turbine project of his, and definitely someone worth backing.