It’s been a while since I updated you on what has been going on with Nic Henshilwood of #rabbit4nic fame.
There’s good reason for this. There have been some complications with Nic’s condition and they have affected his treatment timetable.
Nic was meant to have started his radiated iodine therapy on Monday, but there has been a delay and a change of plan, as his Dad describes:
NICOLAS UPDATE: The Radiated Iodine scan was postponed after the diagnostic scan last Thursday. There are still some Lymph nodes that are problematic and the Oncologists have advised that surgery is the best way forward.
We had a meeting with the ENT Prof on Tuesday. It looks like surgery will be scheduled for late next week!
Nic was a bit anxious at first but is now showing his true brave self!!
When he does go in for his surgery, Nic will obviously have several bunnies to take in with him, thanks to those kind donors across SA.
My inbox is regularly full of requests for news on Nic, so I’ll do my best to keep you updated on here. You can also subscribe by RSS, on Facebook or by email (see the bottom of the sidebar), so you don’t miss a thing.