Shark encounter

A few days ago, I posted this about tracking sharks off the West Coast of the Isle of Man.

Well, last night, some people popped out in kayaks to… well, to have a kayak, I guess and they saw a shark close up.
Like – really close up:

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More amazing photos via that link.

Remember that this is a Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) – a completely harmless* plankton eater, so these guys are completely safe. Not like if you were out surfing in False Bay and you saw a fin that close. Briefly.

* unless you’re a plankton.

My Favourite Superhero

On Father’s Day, what better than this set of… erm… photo-drawings from Italian… erm… photo-drawer Giulia Pex?

She took photos of her dad doing mundane tasks and then jazzed them up because her dad is her favourite superhero.


Even at age [quite old] my Dad can regularly still be found on the roof (although not if he remembers to take his medication). I’ve never seen him opt for the pose above though: he’d probably be painting the chimney.

Anyway, this goes out to my Dad and any other father’s out there who are their kids’ favourite superheroes.

Happy Father’s Day.