Top Trumps: What were you thinking?!?!

A few last minute things to get today at the local shopping mall. We were there fairly early, but by the time we left, it did have those first signs of desperation and lunacy. I was glad to get out of the car park in one piece.

We did ok though, everything went to plan and I even had time to wonder WTF was going on with popular card game brand Top Trumps while we were in a toy shop. It always used to be cars and planes when I was a kid. Now you can get them for just about anything:

And when I say anything… I really mean it.

Honestly, this seems rather unnecessary to me. Who wants to know that sort of thing anyway? Let alone have them compete with one another for the purposes of a kids’ game. Wholly inappropriate.



After this weekend, the two tables that matter the most to me are both looking very pleasant.

This Championship one:

Yep. That’s my team at the top.

And then the Fantasy Football one:

Yep. That’s my team at the top.

Lots of talk of goal difference etc. on the fantasy football group, but I’ve been doing some rudimentary calculations, and apparently it’s points that matter when calculating whoever is higher than whoever else.

And right now, I’ve got the most of those.

I’m not sure how much longer either of these situations will last, but I’m going to enjoy the moment while I can. As Konkan told us back in ’88:

Come along and share the good times while we can.

Because after last season in the Premier League, and my perennial underachieving in our long-standing Fantasy Football league, those two tables make a very welcome change from the norm.

So right now, it’s party time (until Saturday, at least).

I can’t find one

We’re going away for a few days tomorrow morning, I haven’t even started thinking about packing, and I spent much of this morning on a wild goose chase still looking for a [redacted] as a Christmas gift for my wife. It seems that the suppliers supplying [redacted]s haven’t supplied enough, and now they’ve all gone on holiday.


Obviously, I can’t reveal what the prospective gift is right now, because my wife sometimes reads this blog (although probably not this post because she’ll be waist deep in gin and tonic for the next few days).

But once I have managed to successfully acquire a [redacted] – because I shall prevail – and once Christmas is all done and dusted, I’ll let you all know what it is and we can all wonder together about why there appears to be a local (global?) shortage of them.

Because [redacted]s seem like the sort of thing that there really shouldn’t be a massive demand for at any time of the year…

especially in summer

…he said, mysteriously.

Bit Knackered

It’s been a long day after not much sleep last night.

I completely understand why my mind decided that I couldn’t sleep until 1am, after a dramatic Sheffield United win at Millwall and my entirely justified rage at our lanky, Welsh number 9 for his lack of effort in the final few minutes. However, quite why the same mind decided that 4am would be a good time to start thinking about so-called important things instead of sleeping is a bit beyond me.

An early morning followed, with a 7am pilates class – I just go for the stretching – and then a rush home to rescue the washing from the surprise rainstorm.

I decided to throw myself into things and go for a run in the rain, and it was lovely. But it did use what meagre energy I had left. A couple of errands around the locality, and then some horseriding (not me), and suddenly, the day was gone.

And let me tell you: the night isn’t going to last very long either. My bed is singing out to me, and who am I to refuse the Sirens’ call?

Still brilliant

I’m sure that I have shared this before, but I can’t find it. However, having seen it again on my Instagram feed last night, I was reminded just how brilliant it is, and so I’ve decided to share it (again?).

It’s from Chaz Hutton – aka Instachaz (there’s a link to his shop there as well) – and it’s just so simply clever.

The two distinct choices available, depending on your mood at the moment in which you complete the jigsaw. Do you take the sensible, responsible approach and enjoy some freedom later, or do you choose to be a bit more ‘devil-may-care’ and then… er… probably also enjoy some freedom later anyway?

Look, I’m usually the former, but catch me at the right moment and I will quite literally not give a toss about what needs to be done that day.