Great news! (if you’re Cuban, that is.)
According to this morning’s Cape Times, the South African government has written off a 12-year-old debt owed to it by Cuba for export insurance relating to diesel engines, pesticides, Joost van der Westhuizen promotional mechandise and biltong.
Very generous. Very, very generous in fact, when you hear that the debt totalled R926,8million. Now although the current exchange rates mean that that princely sum would only buy you a prawn mayo sandwich in London, it’s still a whole lotta Rands.
Government communications head Themba Maseko told a media briefing following Wednesday’s regular Cabinet meeting:
Given the assessment of Cuba’s debt position, government is of the view that Cuba was not in a position to meet its obligations in the foreseeable future.
I’ll bet that little gem of an announcement was slipped in right at the end of the briefing, following 4 hours waffling about exciting social grant allocation, fishing subsidies, landfill waste statistics and annual concrete price fluctuations. “Oh – and for those of you still here and still awake, we also voted to write off a billion Rands worth of debt to the Castro brothers. Thank you all very much, see you next week.”
At this point, I’d like to introduce you all to my bond. My mortgage. The money I borrowed from the bank to pay for my house. Now, to coin an official government phrase, “Given the assessment of my debt position, I am of the view that I am not in a position to meet my obligations in the forseeable future.”
This, by inference and extrapolation, together with a good dollop of subjectivity and bias, therefore means that my bank can write off all that I owe it and I can celebrate with a few mojitos and a fat cigar. Right?
Wrong. Despite the fact that I could be doing better things with my cash than throwing it into the ever-deepening pit of excessive interest payments, a pit which now dwarfs Kimberley’s Big Hole (and here I refer to the city in the Northern Cape, not the lass on Sea Point Main Road) – I still have to pay it back. Life is just so unfair.
Seriously though, what could South Africa have done with that billion Rand? Well, maybe the answers are right in front of us on the same Cape Times website:
Prevent deaths through water-borne disease in Soweto?
Fight the scourge of alcohol abuse and tik which is ruining students futures?
Reducing child mortality rates, which are still on the rise?
Look, I know Cuba has problems too. But I pay tax in SA. For SA.
Pay for my house? 😛
That’s sickening though.
And don’t knock Kimberley, she’s a very nice lass despite her big hole.
Hmm, I am sure it is not the same money that could have helped lets say for example, Eskom.
Brilliant post…wonder how many other goverment debts were written off that the public dont know about…scary
Aaah, but there are 100 Trainee Doctors studying at Cuban Uni’s who will return suitably qualified (Does’nt Cuba have more qualified Doctors per Capitan than anywhere else?)
I have no idea of the integrity or worth of that qualification.
Obviously, the glorious Financial success of the Communist State of Cuba has been a great example.
Wonder how many sub economic homes could have replaced tin Shanties for ZAR968 million?
awww I’m BORED, man! No one is online 🙁
The truth is that we probably would not have seen that money anyway. Cuba is pretty much financially screwed and $125 million will have them rolling cigars for a hellava long time before they can cough up that kind of money.
We did, however, score major international points. The IMF and World Bank will see this gesture as a hearty charitable attempt from an emerging economy and will smile politely as they send over the ray of sunshine that foreign aid is!
Not to mention the fact that it cements our relationship with Cubans in a time of driver changing. As an emerging nation, we need all the votes that we can get and Cuba is pretty much a free vote.
We missed the opportunity if scoring another free vote, when we failed to help the Maldives out during the tsunami. Here too, a free vote waiting to be picked like a luscious strawberry in Ceres. They find themselves being treated to lovely new water systems, government buildings, educational aids, medical aid, etc from Japan, Russia and India, all of whom have realised the availability of an additional vote swayer!