Breaking news…

From BBC News Online:

People who drank more than seven cups of instant coffee a day were more likely to hallucinate than those who took just one, a study found.

Thanks for that, Durham University. I’d never have guessed.
I’ll put it in my folder labelled “Startling and Important Scientific Research” along with:

Pope “more likely” to be Catholic, and
Bears “more likely” to shit in the woods

Oh – and that paper about disappearing teaspoons from Melbourne.

Why can’t I get a research project like that?

9 thoughts on “Breaking news…

  1. Because you aren’t an underachiever?

    You know, Voltaire drank like 40 cups a day…that dude was tripping his testicles off…the proof is in the writing and the philosophies.

    Goblin´s last blog post was: I am but a water slide (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  2. Goblin > Aw. You’re so kind. But that teaspoon paper is sheer genius. I’m sure coffee must have been involved. And possibly not stirred.

  3. Wow – that’s startling!

    Now you’re going to tell me that pigs can’t fly, right?

    Hey – where’s that link to an appropriate article for the Blog Carnival? I’ll include you in next week’s issue…

    Lady Fi´s last blog post was: Coming unravelled (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  4. You have been reading the metro haven’t you? At least that is where I read the coffee story.

    But that teaspoon thing, now that is science. Tagging teaspoons is a brilliant idea. Maybe we could collaborate on a sock study, 6000? We could be famous.

    Po´s last blog post was: Free willy (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  5. I find myself wondering whether my coffee intake explains me thinking that I saw Easter eggs in the shop today.

    Unfortunately, I suspect not.

    Ro´s last blog post was: HNT #36: Ro’s Sinister Side (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  6. God knows how much instant coffee i drink! I do have some shit hot day dreams tho 😆

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: Happy Birthday (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

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