What’s your favourite beer? I did a post about the plethora of local microbreweries that have sprung up recently and the damage that their desire for individuality and uniqueness is doing to the taste of their product. I are not a fan of that beer.
But now there are two different, new beer products on the market.
Beer products that I had never heard of before:
I had to do some rudimentary research, and it seems that Graft Beer falls into three distinct types:
a) Beer which has taken an awful lot of hard work to create.
b) Corrupt beer corrupt practices used to secure illicit advantages or gains in politics or business, or
c) Beer which is applied to the skin after a burn injury to replace damage flesh and stimulate regrowth.
Daught Beer (also pronounced with a sharp, Yorkshire ‘a’) is foolish, ridiculous beer.
If you drink enough Daught Beer, you will also become foolish and ridiculous. In that way, Daught Beer is very much like every other sort of beer.
Both Graft Beer and Daught Beer are available from 11:00 til late at the Twisted Fork in L’Agulhas.