Right. After the last couple of posts (here and here), which have clearly lacked volume and verbiage, time to write a real blog post again. And this, even though motivation and energy have been sadly lacking throughout today. Seriously, it’s been really hard just to get myself going at all today.
On days like this, it’s important to find the positives.
Small wins matter. And so here are a few:
The sun has been shining.
That’s a bit of a bonus, after a torrid last few days. I’m not turning this into another wet weather post, but we had almost 10% of our annual rainfall in 36 hours on and around Thursday. That’s a lot of water. Dam level report to follow on Monday.
Mrs 6000 is back.
From her intrepid expedition jolly to deepest darkest Africa a larney hotel in Vic Falls.
Because it was sunny this morning, she doesn’t believe that it’s rained all week here. Apparently, she is now an expert about falling water after her last few days on the Zambezi.
We’ve got about 10 days before she heads off to foreign climes again. But then, we won’t be far behind, because:
It’s just two and half week before we go away on holiday.
Wow. There a lot to fit in before then, but suddenly it’s just around the corner and that’s quite exciting.
National Lakes EPs released.
Johannesburg band The Black Hotels were a big favourite of mine, and then they went their separate ways. But singer John Boyd has joined forces with guitarist Lu de Pina to form National Lakes and they’ve just released not one, but TWO EPs: Lights and Movie Night. [Spotify]
Here’s A Secret For You is an early favourite. Let’s just say it’s all rather Black Hotelsy, and let’s also just emphasise that that is great.
Exam results look good – and a work-shadowing win.
The kids look like they have done really well in their mid-year exams. They put in a lot of hard work. I just gave them some good genes. Nurture and Nature in perfect symbiotic harmony.
Additionally, Little Miss 6000 went out work-shadowing yesterday and had an amazing time. She’s been absolutely bubbling about it ever since. And while it was just one day, first impressions matter, and this was a very good first impression.
Steak tonight, ahead of the UCL Final.
Not really feeling the Final vibe. Too one-sided.
It will take something very special to make it special, if you see what I mean.
The steak, though? What’s not to like?